A-shares: If you are determined to regard stock trading as your first career, th

  • 2024-03-30
  • 189

Trading is trading, life is life. May every trader soon transcend the obsession with profit, neither greedy nor gambling, seeking reason in imperfection, trading simply, and living happily.

Most people are unaware that our surroundings are filled with invisible opportunities, which are hidden in the information we encounter.

In the stock market, people are as obsessed with the pursuit of fame and fortune as if they were intoxicated, exhausting their mental efforts. In fact, gains and losses in the stock market are like flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water. If one is too concerned with gains and losses, they will ultimately suffer the same harm as those who excessively pursue fame and fortune.


The art of trading lies in the absence of rules. Position oneself outside the market, build positions in line with the trend, awaken to the urgency of understanding, and act kindly after making a profit.

Free and easy, the world transforms itself. Knowledge begins with action and can also know when to stop. The market operates on its own, and I profit from it, yet I am outside the market.

If you are determined to trade stocks for a lifetime and want to treat it as a career, please carefully understand the nine stock trading insights I have treasured for many years. Once you understand and comprehend them, your assets are expected to double in the short term!

We come to the stock market to strive for the same goal, but many times things do not go as planned. Because most people always feel their way like crossing a river by touching the stones, without their own ideas, they like to spend time listening to gossip, but are unwilling to spend time studying hard. In the end, when looking back, they find that they are either trapped or on the way to being trapped.

In fact, stock trading is like life, there will always be some bumps, but as long as you have experienced the wind and rain, you will find that there is a smooth and unobstructed road behind you. So no matter how the market changes, you must maintain a respectful attitude towards the market, learn from others' strengths, make up for your own shortcomings, and find a method that suits you in order to go further. Many retail investors treat the stock market as gambling, and if you treat the stock market as a gambling game, you will definitely lose!Everyone who gambles will lose money.

From an onlooker's perspective, according to the law of probability, the chances of winning or losing money should be fifty-fifty. So why is it that when we see gamblers, they are always in huge debt, only losing and not winning? The reason for losing is often attributed to greed. Many gambling forums have a famous saying: "Winning is just a process, losing is the result." Many gamblers attribute the reason for losing money to unfairness, deception, and fraud, but they have not yet learned their lesson and always think that as long as the game is fair, they can win. In fact, with a basic understanding of mathematics, it is clear that no matter whether the game is fair or not, the final result will always be to lose everything. The dealer: Money is limited, time is limited, and if your mentality is not good, how can you play with me?

A very simple mathematical principle, which is not even a mathematical principle. You have one yuan, I have one yuan, and we bet on one round, the probability of winning or losing for both of us is 50%. You have one yuan, I have ten yuan, the probability of me winning all your money is much greater than yours. You have one yuan, I have unlimited capital, you can never win against me. As long as you keep gambling, the money on the gambling table is equivalent to you being infinite, and there is only one result at the end of the game - you lose all your money.

Do you understand? Where is the key here? It's in the phrase "keep gambling." The more games you participate in, the closer you are to losing everything.

Why do gamblers keep getting deeper and deeper, losing more and more?

Why, after losing money, can't they learn their lesson and insist on throwing money in again, even borrowing money to throw in? We know not to get close to fire after being burned, and we know to keep an eye on our wallets after being stolen. Why, after losing money in gambling, do they continue to lose again and again?

Firstly, it is because of the excitement. The physiological excitement brought by gambling, the huge psychological gap between winning and losing, and the great joy and sorrow brought to the body, similar to roller coasters and skydiving, is a stimulation that other entertainment activities can hardly provide. The pursuit of this sense of excitement is the direct source of "gambling addiction."

Of course, this is only the most direct, simplest, and most primitive reason.

The second reason is emotion. Ninety-nine percent of people in the world cannot truly control their emotions and achieve complete rationality. The gambling table is a place that can infinitely magnify people's negative emotions and psychological weaknesses. The so-called "losing one's temper" is the most terrible psychological factor. And humans have a common psychological weakness: the negative emotions caused by "loss" far exceed the positive emotions caused by "gain."This has led to a common phenomenon. Gamblers find it difficult to distinguish between "money they have won" and "principal." No matter how much money they win, as long as they lose once, they must win it back. Countless people have been in the situation of "winning one more time and then stopping," but because they lost once and insisted on making up for it, it led to an irreparable situation.

The third reason is pressure. When you lose ten thousand, you think it's okay. You can make it back in three or four games. When you lose a hundred thousand, you start to feel the pressure. At this point, if you stop, there is still room for recovery. But you dare not face the result of the hard work of the past ten years being in vain, and you dare not face the blame from your family. So you start to borrow money. However, the cruel data pattern will tell you that it is easy to lose hundreds of thousands of yuan, but it is almost impossible to start from zero and win back a hundred thousand yuan. You can only repeat the vicious cycle of "borrowing money - losing it all - borrowing money again" until it is impossible to cover up and it erupts completely.

Some people might think, losing money will cause pressure and uncontrollable emotions. If I have a little better luck and win money at the beginning, or lose some money and quickly make it back, wouldn't that lead to a good outcome?

This is what we need to talk about, which is the most important point.

The stock market is like a battlefield. Every investor involved in the stock market wants to win in the stock market. But in fact, only a few investors win, and most people are losers. In addition to having unique investment vision and accurate judgment, the more important point for these few winners is to adhere to the iron discipline. Don't expect to make money every day with the stock price limit up, and a straight line rise. Even if you only earn 1% a week, the power of compound interest is very terrible.

Remember the "three do not sell, seven do not buy" rule in stock trading, and these three situations are obviously the main force washing the plate, do not sell, and refuse to be washed out! There is no if in the stock market, only results! The key to investment success is to first stand in an invincible position, and then pursue the maximization of benefits!

Remember "three do not sell, seven do not buy" in your heart and never lose!

Three do not sell:

The first type, do not sell the stock where the three armies meet. The three armies meeting refers to the 5-day, 10-day, and 30-day moving averages running from a high position to a low position and then starting to turn up, eventually converging together. Generally, this kind of market is often a bull market arrangement.The second type, don't sell stocks with a dual-bar strategy. This situation mostly occurs after a prolonged period of decline, where the stock price consecutively forms two long lower shadow lines with short real bodies in the K-line chart. The lowest points of these two K-lines are almost identical, indicating that as soon as the stock falls to a low position, there is immediate capital grabbing the shares. The bullish force is strong, and the stock has entered or is in the bottom area.

The third type, don't sell stocks with the "Five Suns on the Field" pattern. The "Five Suns on the Field" refers to the stock price falling to a low position and then consecutively forming a pattern of five small bullish candlesticks. The appearance of five bullish candlesticks at a low position indicates that the bullish force at the bottom is relatively strong. For five consecutive days, the bulls have won, and the bears have been beaten to the point of having no place to stand. The stock price will then take the opportunity to rise.

The above three patterns are not only unsuitable for selling but can also be used to find selling points. In practice, they may indeed be helpful. If you haven't memorized them, save this and read it several times.

There are seven types of stocks not to buy:

Mantra one: Don't sell without a surge, don't buy without a plunge, and don't trade in a sideways market.Mnemonic II: Buy the shadow, not the light; sell the light, not the shadow. Act against the trend, that is the hero.

Mnemonic III: The first long shadow at the bottom, resolutely hold the stock until the market closes.

Mnemonic IV: Buy at the shadow line, even if it's wrong; sell at the light line, even if it's wrong.

Mnemonic V: When the annual line flattens, the bear market has arrived; when the annual line turns up, buy back resolutely after the retrace.

Mnemonic VI: At the 5-day line, you might get trapped; at the 10-day line, be cautious when getting involved.

Mnemonic VII: Reduce positions when there is a volume drop, a new low with reduced volume is a bottom sign; the key is the increase and recovery, and then confirm by looking back.

In the current market, many friends suffer losses in stock trading, buying and the price falls, selling and the price rises, mainly due to the lack of a correct trading model. To survive in the stock market where the strong prey on the weak, it is not feasible without a set of profitable methods, skills, and self-protection discipline. If you want to learn more about profit models, such as the Double Dragon Battle Method, the Upward Rebound Battle Method, the Main Force Control Battle Method, and the Capital Compounding Unstuck Method, understand the market and see the market operation track.

Investment InsightsIn the stock market, learning is more important than wisdom, wisdom is more important than experience, skill is more important than luck, and refinement is more important than blind fighting. In summary, as long as you achieve the following four points, you will be wealthy:

In the stock market, you don't need to listen to too much news, just recognize a trend;

In the stock market, you don't need to look at too many technical charts, understanding one is enough;

In the stock market, you don't need to use too many techniques, mastering one is enough;

In the stock market, you don't need too many stocks, mastering one is enough.

Killing people is about the heart, and stock trading is about the heart. In the operation, the mentality and control account for 70%, while skills account for 30%.

True success comes from long-term accumulation and quantitative change!

I have traded all the deals you have done, and I have also traded the ones you haven't done. Every transaction is real, and all are summarized from practical experience. It is always easy to make money in trading, but it is difficult to keep the money. It is a big problem if you can't put it in your pocket after making a profit.

"The road to learning is endless, and diligence is the way; the sea of learning is boundless, and hard work is the boat." Meeting is fate, and what is shared is all useful dry goods for stock investors. If you feel it is helpful to you after reading, remember to like and follow! Giving roses to others, the fragrance remains on your hands. I am Long Shao, I wish all friends a long red stock market!

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